I have been recommending dark bars each month, until now. This month I am choosing the Askinosie White Chocolate Nibble Bar.
Normally I am not a white chocolate eater. For me it tends to be too sweet, but this bar is a whole different animal. First, Askinosie is the first small-batch chocolate maker in the U.S. to make white chocolate from the bean and not only that it is the only single origin 34% white chocolate that I know of. It is made from the Soconusco Bean, which they also make a 75% dark bar from that we carry (I highly recommend this bar as well).
Among some of the other interesting facts are the dairy used is from goats milk, instead of the usual cow's milk and it has the cacao nib in the bar for a nice crunch. The goats milk adds a totally different and complex flavor and the cacoa nib also helps to cut some of the sweetness of the white chocolate and adds more complexity.
I tried a tasting of the Askinosie Soconusco White Chocolate Nibby Bar and the Askinosie Soconusco 75% Dark Bar, just to see and compare. You can definitely tell that they come from the same bean, but that is about all that compares. They really are different. The white chocolate is nice and creamy and the dark is one of my favorites, but they really can't be compared.
This bar, like all of the other Askinosie Bars, is free-trade and organic.
Try something new. The Askinosie White Chocolate Nibby Bar is a lot of fun and enjoyable, not as sweet as a regular white chocolate bar and has a nice crunch.
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